This was so fun in 2022, we’re bringing it back for 2024. These are free group runs in places where we’ve wanted to host a race, but cannot for various reasons. Each of these events has a route we will run and then we’ll go get food and drinks together afterwards. There are three of these this off-season; 1/14, 2/17, and 3/9.
Group Run 3 is the Salmon River trail. This is one of our all-time favorite trails to run because it is outstandingly pretty alongside the Salmon river, with the mega-giant old growth trees. But maybe we like this one a lot because the hanging out afterwards with friends at Skyway BBQ restaurant is always so fun. Since they don’t open until 3:00 p.m., this is a later in the day run (good day to sleep in!).
Run Details:
Strava route:
PARKING WILL BE VERY TIGHT. Please carpool. You can post here to offer or find a ride. The parking lot at the trailhead will NOT hold all the cars. If you can’t carpool, considering connect with others to park in Zig Zag and carpool to the trailhead. If you get there and the lot is full, you’ll have to drive down the road to park and then run back to the lot to start with us.