Camp for grown-ups who like to work hard while helping people they don’t even know. This is the weekend that we hike the water into the remote aid stations for the following week’s Volcanic 50K race. Everyone shows up Saturday and/or Sunday morning to load as much water onto their back as they can carry and we head up the mountain. Each afternoon we return to a spread of food and drink and good laughter.
We camp in and around the southern Marble Mountain Sno-Park parking lot, pitching tents wherever we can find a place or sleeping in vehicles. We’ll feed you well after each day’s hike, but you’ll want to bring your own breakfast(s) and dinner(s).
Saturday – two groups; going up the Butte Camp trail to aid station 1 and the Ape Canyon trail to aid station 4.
Sunday – two groups; another trip up to aid station 1 and a hike into the Toutle River to aid station 2.
Come for one or both days. There are contests each day to see who can carry the most weight in their pack as compared to their body weight, with each day’s winner earning a race entry.
Sounds like hard work because it is. Sounds like fun because it is.
Register here (it’s free):